
Table of Contents:

Cross References:

On-Call Contacts

Who to page for issues with reads?

  • 1st Call - Covers xrays and neuro imaging, including spine.

  • 2nd Call - Covers CTs and ultrasounds.

Radiology Reading Rooms

  • Body:  4-4762

  • Chest:  4-1490

  • Neuro:  4-4804


Incidental Findings

When a significant incidental finding (eg. a mass/nodule that should be followed up) is found on imaging:

  1. Directly communicate the finding to the patient and document the discussion in your PowerNote.

  2. Include the "Incidental Abnormal Radiological Finding" patient education in the discharge papers.

  3. Specify recommended follow-up and timeframe.

KEYWORDS: rads, radiology, imaging, CT, MRI, US, ultrasound, x-ray, xray, incidental findings