Call Backs

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Electronic "Call Back" List

Depending on the particular shift that you are working, you may be asked by an ED nurse to review the call back list. This is a list of cultures and labs that were flagged as positive/abnormal after the patient was discharged. Your job is to determine what (if any) additional actions need to be taken. In most cases, these are positive cultures with antibiotic sensitivities and the prescribed antibiotic should be reviewed.

How to use the call back list:

1. The call back list for cultures and lab results is located on the top menu of FirstNet. See the image below. It may be visually hidden depending on how your menu is setup. Use the >> arrow button to view the hidden options and select "Callback Worklist".


2. The correct facility and location must be selected. Make sure to hit "Submit" when making changes.


3. Click the > arrow next to the charts that have "Provider Review Required".


4. Identify the culture/lab result that needs to be reviewed. To view antibiotic sensitivities, you will need to launch the patient's actual chart by clicking their name in the top right corner and finding the culture result details.


5. Using the screen shown above, you can write a message regarding recommended actions (eg. "Call in new antibiotic for patient. Bactrim DS PO BID x 5 days", or "Call patient and instruct them to return to ED for reassessment.") You can also simply write, "No further action required" in the text box. Sign the message to complete. DO NOT click the checkbox "No further action required" because it drops the chart off of the nurse's work list too and they may still need to complete an action.

6. Close that record and find the next result that needs review.

KEYWORDS: callback, call back