Blood Patches

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Outpatient Blood Patches

Blood patches are not performed in the ED. Patients with a suspected post-dural puncture headache (PDPH) presenting to the ED may be candidates for an outpatient epidural blood patch under fluoroscopy at the UAB Highlands Pain Treatment Clinic.


  • Patients that have a positional headache following a dural puncture that is most likely due to low cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure.

  • Patients that have PDPH longer than 24 hours and not longer than 7 days after a dural puncture.

  • Patients that have failed conservative measures such as hydration, caffeine, and oral NSAIDs

  • Patients must be at least 14 years old.


  • Active COVID infection or PUI symptoms

  • Coagulopathy (INR>1.3, Platelet count <100)

  • Patient currently taking blood thinners.

  • Space-occupying intracranial lesions.

  • Fever (over 38° Celsius).

  • Previous spine surgery at level of dural puncture.

If you have a patient that qualifies for this potential outpatient procedure, page the “UAB Highlands Pain Fellow” to discuss the case. The fellow can help coordinate with the clinic schedulers.


  • UAB Highlands Pain Clinic: 205-930-8966

KEYWORDS: blood patch, post-LP headache